March 10, 2010

OMG - Have you seen what is out finally???

I just found my birthday gift to myself. I have been WAITING and WAITING for this pattern to come out so I could make a million for myself to wear this spring and summer. I am pretty sure I will wear nothing other than several of these. I am talking about....... Anna Maria Horner's Evening Empire Dress!!!!

This pattern gives you the ability to make 4 dresses all just a bit different. What a bargain!! 4 dresses for $15.95. Finally a dress style that is fit for my body type. I am to wear A-lines and tons of empire waists to hide or call less attention the curvy part of my body!! I know some of you girls feel my pain with the curves!! I am off to buy myself one before they all disappear. That may seem a ridiculous statement, but I have waited a year for this pattern. I am not taking any chances!! Go get one too!!


  1. yeah, I'm thinking about this one too... but I don't want it to languish in my patterns I don't use pile!

  2. I know what you mean Michelle. I have some patterns that still have not seen the day of light!!!


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