I have signed up for
Craft Hope's next project. This one is a winner in my opinion. We are helping those with need and it is an educational project. Read more about the project
here. The basic overall of the project is making bean bags that Liberian children will use to learn. I have emailed for some specifics. There are some examples that schools usually buy from google. I signed up to do a set of numbers.
Here are some of the requirements I know:
* The background fabric must be the same color
* The numbers should be the same color (this enables the children to learn the numbers - not memorize the fabric of which one number 5 is)
* The bean bags are due by May 15th to the organization, so your bag would be due to me by May 5th. That gives me ten days to fill the bags and mail them!!
So here is what I am proposing:
I want to do a set, but that can be a big project. SO - I am asking for volunteers to sign up on my blog using a form and volunteer to make a bean bag. I will purchase the fabrics for the background and the numbers (no picking on my selection - hee hee).
The only thing I ask of you as the volunteer is that you will pay postage for me to mail the fabrics to you and to return the fabric to me. I will also fill the bags. If you will leave me a small opening in the bag, I will fill it and sew the opening up.
I will send you a money request through paypal once you have signed up for $3.00. Then when you return the bag to me - just pay the postage when you mail it.
I will include details with the fabric such as size, date needed back to me, which fabric is background and which is for the number, how to make the bean bags (there is a great online tutorial to make bean bags) etc.
I need at least 9 people to sign up to take a bean bag. If we get more, maybe we could do two sets!! Thanks for considering helping me.
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