September 30, 2008
Check out this kiddo!!
This website is meant to be used as a tool to help inspire other children to help in their communities!! Thanks for taking a moment to help support a child who is interested in helping others.
September 29, 2008
A Recycled Bag giveaway
September 27, 2008
A Day in the District

We rounded the day out by going to our friend's house to watch the TCU/OU football game and watched our Sooners win! Boomer Sooner!! What a great day!!
September 25, 2008
Trash ties are here!!!

September 19, 2008

September 18, 2008
Russian Doll Swap
September 15, 2008
Giveaway on Momdot

September 14, 2008
Flirty Apron Swap Apron

September 12, 2008
I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 8, 2008
What a model!!!
September 7, 2008
We The People Two - Partners Swapped
New Facelift
Trash Ties Giveaway

September 6, 2008
And the WINNER is.........
September 5, 2008
We The People Swap - Part Two
Keep looking below for updated links to more sewing items projects!

Your votes are in and the second We The People Swap begins!!! You voted for the sewing items tote or holder. Here are some samples of what I had in mind when I listed it in the poll:

This can be found at simplicity pattern
This can be found at Simplicity Patterns too
From the book Sew and Stow
Check this out on Sew Mama Sew
Check this out at Pink Penguin (thanks for sharing Ellena!)
Here are some more: (thanks Ellena!)
Let's get to the guidelines:
- Your Name
- Your Address
- Your Email
- Your Blog or Website address
- Are you willing to do international shipping if needed?
- 3 types of storage items you could use (ex: fabric storage, utensil storage, button holders, multi storage solutions, etc)
- Swaps have a tendency to be a risk - will I put hours of work into something only to get something back that isn't near the hours I put in? While we all understand the risk we take participating in swaps, I ask that you really put time and effort into giving your partner something they can use. I do not expect you to answer every single request your partner may dream about - but please put some effort into this swap and your partner. If you are unable to fulfill your swap (believe me - I know this happens and life takes over!!), please let me know ASAP so I can find an angel to help!!
- This round I am going to include your partner's email address. I like being surprised by my partner, but I think for a swap like this, you should be able to ask your partner questions. Your email will ONLY be shared with me and your partner - NOT publicly.
- One sewing items tote or holder
- Two of your favorite sewing notions or items (ex: ribbon, buttons, thread, needles, pin cushion, zippers, etc)
- One NEW sewing pattern (simplicity, mccalls, pink fig, etc)
- Sign Up Deadline: Friday, September 5th
- Partners Exchanged: Sunday, September 7th
- Swap Deadline: Friday, October 10th
- Tell all your friends on your blog and be entered into a drawing to win your own copy of Sew and Stow. I LOVE this book and the ideas you get out of this book are incredible. So, spread the word and then leave me a comment on this post that you have done so. I will then enter you into the drawing. Have your friends tell me that they entered the swap because of your post and I will enter you for each friend that joins. So if you get 3 friends to join, then I will enter your name 3 times plus 1 more for posting about the swap! Get the word out!!!! The winner will be announced by NOON on Saturday, September 6th!
- Send me an email to punkrockertracey(at) to sign up for the swap and start thinking about what you need in your craft space!!!
September 3, 2008

So I have a few options here. I could buy some old sweaters at a thrift store and try to piece it together. I could buy fabric and find a pattern (help needed there) and make one. I could try to find a LONG cardigan at a thrift store and cut the back off to make it like this one.
What do you think? I need some help ladies. I want this cardigan so bad it hurts, and I would love to say "I made it by reusing old clothing". I am going to the thrift stores this weekend. HELP!!!!!!
September 1, 2008
Sassy Apron Swap
Here is my package on YarniGras!