Have you ever had a moment where you have met someone you really admire and you want to play it cool to not look like a complete div (I used that word for you Katy!!!)? Div means ridiculous or a big dummy head in the UK. I am so hip - ok not really, but Katy helps me be cool!! Anyway - back to the admiring someone so much you try to play it cool. Tonight - I was added as a friend on Facebook by someone I admire so much -
EllynAnne Geisel. What????? I am friends with EllynAnne. I have been so crazy about her the moment her book came out. For those of you not completely obsessed with aprons, you may recognize her book:

You can find more about this book on Amazon or Barnes Noble. I cannot recommend this book enough - even if you only like aprons a little bit ( I can't understand how not everyone is obsessed with aprons - what??)
Then - not only did she become my friend, but she WROTE on my wall. Now, on Facebook I am playing it cool, but here on my blog, I am FREAKING out. What an awesome ending to the day!
NEWSFLASH DALLAS/FORT WORTH KIDS: EllynAnne is in Dallas in the first week of April promoting her next book. Mark your calendars now!!!