Let's get round 4 started!! Here are the rules:
1. You will make a Amy Butler Weekender bag for a partner assigned to you. You will be given your partner's email address in the form so you can talk with your partner in case you need some guidance during the project.

2. I will be setting something up on my blog (still ironing out the details!!) where you can leave questions, suggestions or frustrations during this project. I have heard this bag is easy to make but there can be moments of frustration. SO - we will be a bit of support group to each other to help us make this bag!
3. I will also be posting some links to people who have made the bags and discuss the bag on their blogs, in case you are wanting further blogs to research the bag on.
4. You must make the bag and also include one yard of fabric and some type of trip recommendation. After all, if we are making this bag, don't we want to take it somewhere and show it off???? Your recommendations can be a location you have been to before, a simple idea for a weekend trip (ex: check into a bed and breakfast and take a picnic somewhere) or include some travel pamphlets for some neat areas around where you live!!
5. When you are ready to mail the package to your partner, you must use the delivery confirmation option at your local post office. This should only cost you 75 cents. Then email me the confirmation number. With this being such a big swap item, I want to make sure everyone gets a bag.
6. IF something should occur that you can no longer participate, email me IMMEDIATELY. I will begin to work on an angel for your partner. IF notified quickly enough, this will not keep your from participating in our next swap!
SIGN UP DEADLINE: Saturday January 17thPARTNERS ASSIGNED: Sunday January 18thDEADLINE FOR PACKAGE TO BE MAILED: Saturday February 28thI want to give us enough time for problems or questions, so this swap will be a month and half (roughly) to give you time to find fabric and work on the bag.
Ready to learn a new pattern and make some great new friends? Sign up using this
Pass the word around and let's get a lot of people to sign up. The more people participating means more people to help us through some of the difficult moments!!