March 29, 2009

Fitness Challenge - Join Me!

Hurry...... only one day left to sign up. I am joining in the Fitness challenge being hosted over at Feathered Nest. You pay $10 and have 8 weeks to lose as much weight as you can. The person who has lost the most percentage of weight wins the jackpot!! Either way you win! You get healthier or win money. This is also right before summer, so we can all lose weight and wear bikinis (well, maybe not bikinis!!).

Here is the link: Fitness Challenge

Sign up and use this as a chance to get ready for summer. One of the rules is you must have to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds and there is a monday weigh in every week for the 8 weeks. You can't join if you "think" you are fat. You must be heavier and need to lose weight!! Join me, won't you? See you June 1st as a smaller me!!!

March 28, 2009

New Craft I Am Thinking About Selling!!!

I was out on the town not too long ago and saw a girl with a bracelet on. I was obsessed with the bracelet instantly. She had taken some magazine clippings and words from a magazine and glued them to a bracelet. It got me thinking that maybe I could take some of my favorite lines from movies and books and make my own!! And I did! I went and bought a used Pride and Prejudice book and got to work. Here's the outcome:

I am thinking of putting some in my Etsy shop. I think maybe as custom orders. Nothing would be worse than making a few and no one buying any!!!! Pretty cool, huh?

I forgot to mention earlier that I am going to be putting some fabric for sale in my Etsy shop. I have too much and have to clear out some. I do have quite a bit that looks like country (good for quilting). If you are a quilter, you may want to check it out. I will have some other type of fabrics in there too. All the fabric should be uploaded by tomorrow morning! Pass the word. I have to clear some space in my craft room!!!

March 18, 2009

It's ALIVE!!!!

Yes, I am still here. Want to see what I have been up to lately?

Yarn from my mom for my birthday! Nice!!!

Birthday celebration with some close friends. We had so much fun that we forgot it was a work night. We had to go home and go to bed just when the fun was starting!!

We went with our friends to see the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Art Museum. SO neat!

I am inclusive!!!! Look how friendly I look too!

I didn't want to have to carry a purse around our 4 day weekend, so I made a hip bag at 1 in the morning. Late - I know - Totally fashionable - worth every late night minute!!

I received some fat quarters from the Netherlands - AWESOME fabrics!

I received another envelope of fat quarters!

A box of hearts came to use as decorations for Valentine's Day or other holidays!! They turned out great, ladies!

This was a room at the Art Museum. You would stand at the end of the tunnel and anyone at the end of the tunnel in the orange light turned black and white. We went into the room and I couldn't get over how awesome it was that I looked like I was in a old Lucy movie! You can see the camera did not see black and white. Weird how light plays with our eyes!

My husband dressed up and took me out for my birthday evening. I bought him the hat. He doesn't love it but he doesn't hate it. It probably doesn't help that I call him chap when he wears the hat!!!!
I am almost done with the Weekender bag for Bree but I still have to complete the bag for my friend Sarah. Baby steps!!
I should hopefully have some more to show you at the end of this weekend. Man, that four day weekend was great! Wish I had another one waiting for me!

March 11, 2009 it me your looking for???

I have not left the country!!! It is the week before spring break. I have two tests and a HUGE paper due for a class. All by Thursday. After that - I have a couple days to catch up on here. I should have some new photos by the end of this weekend!! I plan to sew some over spring break, but my biggest plan is to work on some other school assignments so I can be ahead of the game instead of behind!!! I have barely kept my head above water the last month, so I am changing up the game plan and trying to float rather than drown!!!! Check back for updates soon- including some yarn photos from my mom for my birthday present. I turn 32 on Thursday! Where did the time go???? I feel like I was 22 just yesterday!

March 7, 2009

And the winner is.........

Seams To Me by Anna Maria Horner. Ok gals - here is the info for the next We The People Swap! If you are not a fan of Anna Maria Horner, you must check our her blog!!! I adore her! Her fabrics are fabulous and so is this book. I gave the sign ups a bit longer than I normally do to allow people time to buy her book . If you do not own the book, maybe some libraries near you will have it or maybe a friend will share with you!!


1. I have selected some of the projects from the book that would be easy enough and time permitting enough to make for a swap! Fill out the form and mark all the boxes to the projects you would not mind receiving from your partner. You will then select ONE project from your partner's list to make for them. All partner's will be secret!

2. All items must be sent with a delivery confirmation number and emailed to me! I have had a couple people stiffed in the last swap or two - and I just can't allow it! If you stiff someone - NO MORE SWAPPING ON HERE FOR YOU!!

3. You must reply to me within 3 DAYS to let me know you received your partner's form sent from Wufoo (the form builder I use for sign ups!). In the past, some people have not received their partner's info and they didn't make anything. So, I hope this will keep that from happening!





Spread the word and let's get swapping. I will provide a link to Anna Maria Horner's Flickr Seams To Me group so we can all post our projects in her flickr album as the swap begins!

March 1, 2009

We The People 5 - Voting Begins!

It's that time again! I have 6 different choices and you can vote as many times as you would like. Voting ends Saturday, March 7th. Let your voices be heard!
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