Hurry...... only one day left to sign up. I am joining in the Fitness challenge being hosted over at Feathered Nest. You pay $10 and have 8 weeks to lose as much weight as you can. The person who has lost the most percentage of weight wins the jackpot!! Either way you win! You get healthier or win money. This is also right before summer, so we can all lose weight and wear bikinis (well, maybe not bikinis!!).
Here is the link: Fitness Challenge
Sign up and use this as a chance to get ready for summer. One of the rules is you must have to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds and there is a monday weigh in every week for the 8 weeks. You can't join if you "think" you are fat. You must be heavier and need to lose weight!! Join me, won't you? See you June 1st as a smaller me!!!
How did your first week go? I stayed pretty much on track and had a loss. Jenna Z turned me on to SparkPeople.com and that's been a big help!