February 26, 2009
I am Famous!!!
You can read my interview here!
February 23, 2009
More Projects!!

What an awesome package, huh?

I completed some more bibs and got all of the buttons put on them for 2 friends of mine who have babies. I am almost done with a ton of burp cloths too! YAY!
I also made some progress yesterday on my Amy Butler Bag. I have one bag completely cut out and another in the wings waiting to be cut!! I am hoping to get more completed today!
February 21, 2009

Partners are switched!! Make sure to check your spam mailbox if you don't see it in your normal inbox. Your partner is a not a secret. You have their email address if you would like to make a friend! You can keep it a surprise if you would like, too!
NEW DEADLINE: Saturday, March 14, 2009
Email me if you have any questions and remember to try to buy Fat Quarters that your partner has requested or likes!
February 12, 2009
Projects.... I really do sew!!

Now on to my Amy Butler Weekender Bags full time now!
February 10, 2009
We The People Fat Quarter Mini Swap

Thanks so much to Rachel for being such a sweet gal and making a button for our swap!!! Now my swap doesn't look so sad! Thanks so much Rachel!! I LOVE it!
In this mini swap, you will send 3 fat quarters to your partner. You can also include small notions or anything else you might like to send to your partner, but it is not mandatory!
Deadline to Sign Up: Monday, February 16
Partners Swapped: Tuesday, February 17
Deadline to Mail Items: Friday, March 6
If you would like to sign up, use this form: We The People FQ Mini Swap
Join the fun! I couldn't find a cool picture of my fat quarters, so I will try to work on it so we have a button! It feels weird to not have a photo included with this!!
February 8, 2009
A Giveaway, A Swap, A Retreat Idea and One More Day!
2. I have one more day of training to complete for my new job and then I can slowly come back to the land of sewing and crafting. My blog has been so sad without photos of projects I have been completing! I hope to get some new photos up by Tuesday evening. I have at least 2 aprons to post!!
3. My dear, sweet friend Frankenpug is hosting a giveaway!! She has delightful little pugs and she is such a WONDERFUL friend..........SO - get on over to her blog and join in her giveaway. Let's get her a ton of entries!! Don't make me come to your house and rough you up (wink!).
4. Get those scraps in the mail - they are due to be mailed by tomorrow!!!!
5. I am kicking around the idea of renting a cabin for a weekend and hosting a little fun weekend to sew. I am thinking about some place beautiful (like CO!). I know this would exclude many people, but if I decide to rent one say in like June - would anyone else be mildly interested??? Just kicking around some thoughts! Leave a comment if anyone is interested! How fun to finally meet some of you face to face!!
February 7, 2009
Swap Annoucements (New Swap Included!!)

Mini Swap question: I have had a couple emails come in asking if we could do one more mini swap while waiting for the WTP 4 to wrap up. I am all for hosting another mini swap. I will put a poll to the right and feel free to vote. I will do this for just a day or two to see if there is interest!!
February 2, 2009
February 1, 2009
Hello from Florida!
I have had a blast in Florida so far. I started training today and I am learning so much already. I have been around on some of the islands and I went digging for seashells with my husband. Digging for seashells was my favorite thing!!! I come home late Wednesday evening and I start another 4 days of training once being home. THEN - I can focus on some major sewing projects (2 AB weekender bags!!!). I am almost done with a Amy Butler Apron that is due for a swap and my scraps will go out next weekend too!
Thanks for being patient as there has not been as many photos of projects lately. Once I get this job under my belt a bit more I will be able to work sewing back in to a time slot!!
I will be posting some FL photos later this week too. Happy sewing and have a happy week!