August 27, 2008
Vacation Highlights and A giveaway
Other fun stuff...... I saw Gary Bussey at Disneyland. What a star sighting. My husband and I are big fans of the show The Soup and he loves to play the clip where Gary threatened an interviewer with ripping her endocrine system out. So, here we are at Disney - someone bumps into me slightly - I say excuse me a bit sarcastically and look at my assaulter. Gary Bussey! Yeah - I quickly ran to my husband and we were behind him going into a line at Disney. We looked at each other and smiled. After he walked off a different direction from us, my husband and I looked at each other and said, "I should rip out your endocrine system". Evidence that we spend too much time together watching The Soup!!
I have reached my 200th post a few back already. My problem is that I can't decide what to giveaway. Once I get back this weekend from visiting with my husband's grandmother, I will make a decision and post it next week.
I have started school again, and I start my first field hours next week (400 by mid December must be completed - holy cow!!!) - plus work. So, if I am a little slower than normal to respond, I am not ignoring you - just working like crazy!
August 25, 2008
Vacation Photos Are Here!!!
$&*@$%^*(&^%$ Flickr!!!!
My vacation photos are fighting with me!!! Once flickr and I work out our issues, I will hopefully have some photos to show you! While I work it out - here is one of my favorite photos from vacation. I may give up and make a slide show of some of my fav photos from the trip - we will see what I can get accomplished tomorrow!!!
August 24, 2008
Two Videos To Hold You.......
I am currently uploading my photos on flickr from our vacation and will supply a link as soon as they are all in and organized - if you so choose to see our adventures.
I am working on putting the swap together tonight and will get the swap up and running tomorrow. By mid week - it should be time for a giveaway for my 200th post! I hope you will join in all the fun. It has been weird to be back in front of a computer again. Hopefully I will be back in the groove of things tomorrow! Stop by tomorrow and sign up for the swap!!!
August 14, 2008
Vacation Here I Come!!!!

Today was also my last day at JoAnn. I had such a fabulous summer there and met such wonderful people - probably the best JoAnn team EVER!!!
Okay, off to work for 7 hours and then to some major packing. Yay!
August 11, 2008

An anchor dress
My Anniversary outfit (see here to see the back of the shirt)
Pink Scottie Skirt
My Messenger Bag by Sew Liberated
I still have a shirt to make out of Alexander Henry's Bird Seed fabric. Should be cute!!! I also spent the weekend finishing up some swaps. Photos coming soon!!!
August 10, 2008
We The People Swap News and Photos
You can see all the amazing tote bags at the we the people flickr site! Thank you all for participating and what a fun time!!!
Now - as you saw above our FIRST we the people swap has closed. How about a second one? I thought the we the people theme was a blast - so we will do it again. What I am going to do is create a poll with some different possibilities and ask you all to vote! What do you want to make next. Watch closely for the poll. It should be up and operating sometime later today!!! Every vote counts..... so get your voice heard!
August 7, 2008
2 Bags Down, 2 More To Go

Now I just have to finish my bag, my tote bag for my swap partner ( I decided to use this pattern because I am loving how BIG these bags are!!!), and I have to make another tote bag to use as my carry on bag for vacation (which is almost a week away now - yahoo!!).
Still have tons of clothes to make this weekend and I have tons of swaps to get out in the mail. Busy busy!! I don't know if I will get to sleep this weekend!! Wish me luck. I am needing to sew like Christy does - boy can she accomplish a lot!!!
August 6, 2008
Patterns for Sale

August 5, 2008
Intervention and We The People Tote Bag
August 3, 2008
I Am A Lucky Girl!!
Then (and this is actually funny) I fell out of my explorer today. My foot got caught in my bag and I hit my knee on the door and almost planted my face on the car next to mine! That was actually funny. I screamed out "Son of A" and then remembered we were at the grocery store and children are around. Close your eyes and picture it (see - it makes you laugh - doesn't it?)
Then I received the Arte Y Pico award.... AGAIN! How can a girl be so lucky as to have TWO people in the crafting community consider my little blog creative and deserving. What a great way to exit the Twilight Zone. Stop by and check out Aunt Pitty Pat's blog!!! You can visit for her kind and generous summary of my blog. Thanks Aunt Pitty Pat - you are quite the creative gal yourself!!!
Yee Haw and Move Them Out (Buttons That Is)

After I glued the buttons onto the metal barrettes (which will go in the handy holders I made from Sew Simple- I decided to tape them down to give them extra support. I can't wait to show you the final product. They will be done drying tomorrow night!!!
So- you want to make your own covered buttons? They are so easy that I feel so ridiculous for being intimidated by the process. Here is how easy it is:
1. Buy the kit from your local craft store (go JoAnn's - sorry - a girl has to be loyal)

2. Cut a circle out of the fabric of your choice. A circle can be found on the back of the kit you buy to cut out. How awesome is that????
3. Place your circle in the middle of the white button maker.

4. Take the metal circle button piece and place in the middle too. Push down into the button case.
5. Smush the fabric sticking up down......

6. Using the back metal piece of your button and push down with the blue pusher downer piece that comes in the kit ( I know... I am using such technical words!!!)

7. Turn the button maker over and push on the bottom to get the button out.
8. And you are finished!!!!

See how a girl could consider button making addicting and fun. I even had my husband make one today. He didn't seem to have the same enthusiastic response as I did. Guess he just doesn't get it!
Off to finish another apron and some tote bags!!