I was able to knock some items off my to do list, but there is so much more to do. I had hoped to complete some more items - but I guess there are only so many hours in the day!!!!! Off to work on some more items!
We purchase our bags from either Whole Foods or Central Market for only $1.00 usually. They also come in small and large sizes. Instead of using tissue paper, we are going to stuff dish towels in the top like you would tissue paper. I am hoping to customize dish towels with fabric for each family member. Some fabric that reminds me of my relatives. For example, my one brother-in-law likes the Texas Longhorns. Might make for a fun towel to use when cooking out during the summer - right? Not only will my family get gifts, but they will get reusable grocery tote bags and a dish towel. We can all use those items, right? It is like giving a Christmas gift to Mother Earth. Do you have any green tips for making Christmas more Earth Friendly?
Aunt Tracey:
I found the greatest gifts I am going to attempt to make for my niece and nephew for Christmas.
I am making this dragon for my nephew. You can buy this pattern for only $10.00! I know! You can purchase the pattern on NoseyNest. She has some great items for sale if you are still looking for some ideas for your nieces and nephews!!
Keep your fingers crossed that Aunt Tracey can successfully complete these projects with little to no cussing, throwing of items and yelling matches with the sewing machine!!!