November 16, 2008

Sharing the Goods: Patterns

I thought in the time that I am working on my To Do List (yikes!) I would give you something to look at. I have been able to look at some incredible patterns and charm packs on the lists that have come through for the We The People Swap III. I am always interested in new stuff and figured you might be too. So - I am going to list the patterns and charm packs on my blog for you to be able to click and see as well. I have found some patterns from these lists that I didn't know existed, but now have added to my wish list!! The links I provide will be the first one I can find. I am sure you can find these items on any of your loved craft sites!! Enjoy! Let me know what you think of the patterns and charm packs. Also feel free to share some great patterns or charm packs that you know of in the comments and I will add them to the list. This list could be a good HINT HINT list for your relatives for some Holiday gifts!!!! I will list the patterns in this post and add the charm packs later this week in a separate post!

There you have it - from the WTP III swap. Any you would like to add to the list? Let me know!


  1. Thanks for all the links! I can't wait to click them all! Good luck with your to-do list. Remember, little by little, stitch by stitch!

  2. omg, that pinwheel posies pattern is awesome...I'm off to click on more!

  3. Thanks for putting these together!

    Just wanted to let you know that my WTPS III package if off to my partner:) ...and your selvages are on their way as well.

  4. I forgot there were two patterns I wanted to share...

  5. FAB idea! Just what I need...a list of things I didn't even know I HAD to have. :)

  6. Is the swap group open for more participants? thanks~~


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