May 30, 2008

May 29, 2008
A Day Of Surprises!!!!

Then I opened the next package on my table, and it was the sock monster I couldn't wait to receive. Remember how I was the Jr Grand Champion for the Crafters for Obama contest? If not, take a look at my shirt, I am quite proud of my entry! Well, I won a sock monster created by the oh so talented F. Pea. She is amazing. Look at my monster and sticker I received:

I don't know what I am going to name him yet, but the name should have something to do with Obama - at least I think so!!!
As you can tell, I had a fantastic evening coming home. I am behind on a couple of my swaps due this weekend, so I hope to get all caught up by Sunday!! I will keep you posted!
May 27, 2008
Amy Butler Tunic, Part One

May 25, 2008
Organized And Ready To Sew

As you can tell with the metal racks, I added my fabric out on the rack instead of housing three containers on that shelf like I had before. I wonder if anyone else is like me..... you have had fabric for about 8 to 10 years and the only way to really use it up is to have the fabric out where it can be seen. I found some fabrics I forgot I had - and those fabrics will go well with some of the projects I am working on too! I have some old projects (will I ever finish them?) and cut out squares for a t-shirt quilt in one of the bottom containers. I have tiny scraps in another container on the bottom, and the bottom drawer on my desk has vinyl, tulle, and felt. Funny!
On a side note..... see the yellow bowl in the second picture? I started using the bowl for my scrap threads and trash like Rachael Ray does on her cooking show for her trash! I love just throwing things in the bowl and throwing everything out at the end of the day!
Now I am off to sew!
We interrupt this sewing to bring you an important message....

May 22, 2008
Apron Angels and Donkeys
My dear, sweet friend Lucy is asking for help from apron lovers abroad. Her community was recently hit by a tornado and wreaked a TON of havoc. She is asking for women to make and mail her some aprons to hand out to the victims of the tornado. She said their basic needs are being met, but what happiness aprons are bringing to those who have been affected by the tornadoes. Check out more information here - if you would like to help!
My other sweet friend, Valerie, told me about another great cause collecting aprons. Check out Donkey Dreams. She is collecting aprons to sell for a fund raiser to help support therapy using donkeys. These donkeys are used to help autistic children and more. Take a look and see if you can schedule some time to make an apron to donate to her organization!
Thanks for your help!
May 21, 2008
Precious: My First Dotee Doll

Isn't she too cute? I love her. She is Precious Ramotswe - from the #1 Ladies' Detective Agency. She is a lady detective in Botswana. I am going to have to try these books out. Penny's favorite in the series is: The Kalahari Typing School for men. If you are interested, the author is listed as Alexander McCall Smith. Enjoy!
Craft Apron Madness

Fabric Swap Partners Sent
THE SWAP IS CLOSED!!!! All partners have been mailed to everyone. Each person is to mail to 2 people. Check your spam mail if you don't see an email from me. Remember you have until JUNE 18TH to mail the scraps to your partners. You don't have to wait until then - if you have the fabric and notions ready - mail it!!!
Make sure to include a note or card so your partner knows who sent the fabrics. I have attached a reminder in each email of the rules for what to send to your partners. Remember to be kind and send nice fabrics!!
Once you have received fabric scraps, please drop me an email so I know you have successfully received! Also, send me an email when you have sent the fabrics - just in case your partner contacts me concerned or curious!!
Thanks for joining the swap and enjoy! Try to keep your partner a surprise - but if you really want to make friends with them - go ahead and talk. It is up to you!!
Get cutting and swapping!! If you have any questions - please email me. I won't be home tomorrow until after 8pm but I will respond as soon as I get home from work! Thanks!
May 20, 2008
Fabric Scrap Swap
I am hosting a Fabric Scrap Swap here on my blog. I did this recently through swap bot and had a good time, but wanted a little more fabric. So here are the rules:
* If enough people sign up, you will receive two partners
* You must mail at least 10 pieces of scrap fabric, but if you can aim for 15 to 20 - even better. Try to be generous to your partners!
* The smallest amount of scrap can be 5 x 5 and the largest should be around a fat quarter or a 1/4 a yard size. Your goals is to send enough fabric that your partners could use it make something smaller or use the fabric in addition to another fabric they are using!! Try to avoid small quilt pieces!
* You must include at least 3 notions (ribbon, buttons, rick rack, lace, ruffles, Velcro, elastic, etc)
This is a chance to really clean out some of the fabrics you have used on projects, but aren't sure what to do with the leftovers. Please send nice material and make sure it is clean! This is a chance to share some of your nice fabrics with other friends and receive the same in return!!!
DEADLINE TO SIGN UP: Tuesday, May 20th (in honor of my Grandpa's Birthday)
PARTNERS ASSIGNED: No later than Wednesday May 21st
PACKAGES MAILED BY: Wednesday, June 18th or sooner (in honor of my Niece's and BIL's birthday)
What I need in your email:
Your Name, Your address, Your email (for my purposes- I won't hand it out), Your blog or website, anything else you want your partner to know, and if I can put a link to your blog on my blog (if you prefer privacy - I understand!!)
Contact me at Punkrockertracey@yahoo.com with your information and any questions!
Sign up and join me in the fun!!!!!
May 18, 2008
Fun At The Tulsa Zoo
A Weekend of Great Surprises!
This book has been at the top of my wish list for quite some time. I was so pumped! I am making an apron out of the book for one my swaps - I can't say which one so my partner doesn't know what she is getting!
My mother-in-law surprised me with a bag I wanted from a craft fair as a birthday present. My birthday was back in March but she couldn't find a box to mail the bag to me without bending it. I also got some great cowboy fabric to use for some aprons and other fun projects for my birthday. Yay!

I got a new iron from my mom. Mine was starting to show some age and my mom says she only irons about once a year. So I got her newer iron for my crafts. Thank Goodness!

May 17, 2008
On A Brief Vacation
May 14, 2008
Atomic Housewife Status: Here I come!!!!
May 13, 2008
Something For Me

Atomic Housewife Swap: Completed

Atomic Housewife Swap is done! I made a clothespin apron for my partner. There is a reason I chose a clothespin apron, but I can't share that secret yet, because my partner would know who she is. I hope she enjoys the happiness this apron screams. I took this pattern from the A is for Apron book. It was a cinch! I cut and completed the entire apron in one hour. I would highly recommend it for anyone. The book calls for bias tape to be used, but I felt with the bubbles - there was enough activity. I was afraid to add anything else to the mix. I am also including clothespins (of course!!) so my partner can hang up her clothes or her aprons out to dry!!

May 12, 2008
"We Can Do It"

Katie's Craft Apron


Greta's New Friend

Atomic Housewife Apron

Yellow Fat Quarter Swap Completed!

Embroidery Floss: Mild Success

May 10, 2008
Embroidery Floss Nightmare
Here is what keeps me going when I consider giving up on organizing:

Organization will have to wait to later this week though...... I am off to JoAnn!!!
May 8, 2008
Cutting Table Not So Intimidating
May 7, 2008
Obama Shirt: Junior Grand Champion
May 6, 2008
Fabric Swatch Swap: Completed!!!

One Craft Apron Complete
I will also tell you that it was really hard to not keep this apron for myself. I love it!!! I hope Katie loves it too and gets TONS of use out of the apron. As soon as she gets the apron, I will post the finished product. Hopefully by the end of this week or beginning of next!
May 5, 2008
Bend the Rules Bag

Flirty Apron Swap and Apron Giveaway!

When Bags Attack!

We seem to have a lot of attacks around here, don't we? We had the bag attacking my machine and remember this? This family needs some serious counseling!!!!
May 4, 2008
I Love Book Sales!

This book includes how to make jams and conserves, jellies, marmalade, curds and butters, chutneys, pickles, relishes and preserves. I personally can't wait to make the cranberry jelly, the apple butter and the lemon curd! Yummy!