My husband has a second job that is for fun and to support our book habits. He has worked for Barnes and Noble for almost 6 years. The store he works at currently is closing and moving to the outside wall of the mall. They do not move stock over from one store to another, but ship back to the main warehouse. They do want to sell what they can though - which led the store to reach it's 50% off sale this week. YAY!!! I went and spent some time in the craft books seeing if I could find any of my wish list books on sale. I only found two - which for bookstores selling craft books - is pretty good odds. (SIDE CREDIT: I do have to admit whoever orders books for this store does a pretty bang up job of craft book selection - although knitting books way overrun the sewing books - BOOOO!) Anyway - here are the books I found and some of the projects out of them that I can't wait to make. Definitely some books you may want to consider for your own collection. (FUNNY SIDE STORY: As I was looking at the books I spotted The Apron Book by EllynAnne Geisel. I snatched that book up, teeth snarling at anyone near me - in case they thought to rip the book from my hands - only to find someone had put the book on the clearance shelf, but no white sticker was on the book indicating it was a sale item. Oh this cruel, cruel world we live in. What sick individual would do that to a crafter??)

Bottle cap pincushions

A pincushion that looks like an egg!

This beehive pincushion is too cute to put pins in~~~


A more modern approach to a clothespin apron:

I have this material in a light blue - Love it!

This is a child's apron in the book, but I would wear it!

This is the next apron I plan to make myself. I will wear it around town and to bed too!!

I love the apron book! I've been very interested in aprons lately...I may have to pick that title up. The apple/pear fabric looks like what I used for my test-pleated beauty bag as well. Must be pretty popular!
ReplyDeleteI am so buying the Apron book! I've been drooling over it the last few weeks.......I have a coupon burning a hole in my pocket. If B&N was closer, I'd already have it! I;m just too lazy to drive to get it....the closest one here is almost 40 minutes away. I love the pincushion books too....but I gotta stop with these new obsessions!
ReplyDeleteOOh! I want to make that cute smock...
ReplyDeleteI bought it! We'll have to go material shopping when you come "home." I want to make the smock apron for my SAS partner (she wipes her hands on her booty while cooking, I guess.) :)